ARC -Art Revisited Collective

Collective of Visual Artists | Greece

ARC – Art Revisited Collective is a group that was founded in May 2018 by visual artists and the Athenian curator Paris Kapralos. It quickly incorporated members from various parts of Greece and abroad. The collective is independent and self-funded. It presents a variety of activities, organizes its own exhibitions, participates in international events, and occasionally collaborates with other groups, collectives, curators, spaces, as well as artists from the entire spectrum of the arts and from all around the world.

Within the collective, many forms and styles of art coexist. Most members have had a significant individual trajectory in the art scene, including the co-founding curator, before they came together as a collective entity. Through this collaboration, they combine their strengths in common projects and often respond in their own ways, both individually and collectively, to the challenges of the era.


The vision of the ARC – Art Revisited Collective is to address art to society and to engage in continuous feedback through substantial dialogue about the issues of our time. Guided by the belief that art must maintain a dialectical relationship with developments, we consider it essential to construct an impactful artistic proposition with a significant societal address. We need to create new symbols that serve the present; we agree that the role of Art is not to merely “appease the audience,” yet we disagree that its role is to distance itself, displaying only bleak dystopias and arriving at definitive judgments like a priesthood of immaculate and infallible critics. We propose a functional Art, capable of approaching familiar issues with original methods, illuminating their lesser-known aspects, and challenging everyone to active engagement, action, and reflection.


Year of Establishment: 2018

Number of Members: 14

Mediums: Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, Photography, Calligraphy, Installations, Digital Art, Collage

Geographical Distribution: Greece & Cyprus

Price Range: €100-8000

International Scale (group assessment):

Contact: / (0030)6948813460

How does the world ultimately perceive artistic creation? What relationship does it develop with works of art? Does Art speak about today’s issues? What is the social function of Art? Is being an artist truly a profession? Does someone need to “understand art” to be engaged with it? What is this “art-loving audience,” and where do we find it? When is a comment substantial? Is Art for art’s sake, Art for the artist, Art for the “art-loving audience,” or Art for everyone? Our collective endeavor began with the outbreak of the pandemic in the Spring of 2020, a continuous project involving dialogues among artists to undertake actions with meaningful impact on society. We created this Facebook page, where we welcome your proposals and discuss them publicly, aiming to shape actions collaboratively.

“New Symbols” is a project resulting from a dialogue between the curators Paris Kapralos & Jason Kairophylas and members of the collective. In the late 19th century, the Symbolist movement spread across Europe, acting as an antidote to the banality of the era’s Realism. Symbolism draws inspiration from the imaginative, guiding existential quests, and delving into philosophical themes. Its aim is to engage the viewer with a poetic and mystical disposition. Henceforth, the visual arts give birth to allegories that are revealed through symbols and encompass conceptual content.

Through our project, we seek the new dialect of art that will enable it to effectively address the era, uniting forces from every artistic domain and human intellect. Today, as in the past, art is called upon to take another leap: to promote contemplation, generate new allegories, and provide the world with the New Symbols of our time. An open dialogue about new projects for discussion can be found on this Facebook page.


Transitions & Passages” – Annual exhibition of members & friends of the collective in Athens, 2023. Participating members of ARC – Art Revisited Collective included Anna Gioti, Angeliki Kourmoulaki, Dorothée Mesander, Foti Kllogjeri, Dimitris Galanakis, Amalia Koronaki, Ilias Kasselas, Maria Genitsariou, Giota Tzotzoli, Eleni Tsotsorou, Kostas Michos, Olga Barmazi, and Guest Artists Eva Anastasopoulou, Gogo Pitsokou, Stella Kyriakou, Dimitris Paterakis, Vasiliki Pechlidou, Georgia Koukoula, Lena Spania, Efi Mammona. Conception & Curation: Paris Kapralos. Organized by: ARC – Art Revisited Collective Organizational & Online support: ARTgrID Venue: Luminous Eye Gallery Photography of Spaces / Opening: Giota Tzotzoli 

Steps & Routes” – Annual exhibition of members & friends of the collective in Athens, 2022. Participating members of ARC – Art Revisited Collective included Eleni Tsotsorou, Foti Kllogjeri, Chara Saiti, Spyros Romanos, Sotiria Alevizou, Ilias Kasselas, Dorothée Mesander, Nikos Pantazis, Angeliki Kourmoulaki, Kostas Michos, Maria Genitsariou, Giota Tzotzoli, Anna Gioti, and Guest Artists Anna Bakogeorgou, Andreas Fatouros, Olga Barmazi, Andreas Manolakakis. Conception & Curation: Paris Kapralos Organized by: ARC – Art Revisited Collective Organizational & Online support: ARTgrID Venue: Chili Art Gallery Photography of Spaces / Opening: Studio Kotsireas

Cross-Sections”, exhibition – visual dialogue of collective members, featuring paintings, calligraphy, drawings, and visual objects. Participating visual artists: Nikos Pantazis, Anna Gioti, Foti Kllogjeri, Maria Genitsariou, Sotiria Alevizou, Eleni Tsotsorou. Organized by: ARC – Art Revisited Collective. Curation: Paris Kapralos. Venue for physical exhibition: Phase 1 (February 26 – March 15, 2022) Myro Gallery / Phase 2 (March 20 – October 1, 2022) Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki Main Lobby and public spaces. Online support: ARTgrID, Project logo design: Maria Genitsariou. Thessaloniki 2022. Discover more HERE.

Within Oneself”, digital exhibition of 11 visual artists – members of the ARC – Art Revisited Collective exclusively featuring works created during the pandemic period, organized & curated by Paris Kapralos, ARC – Art Revisited Collective website – online exhibitions section 2021. Discover more HERE.

Art in Babel”, focusing on highlighting a common and universal visual language, was the springboard for discussions that “birthed” the NEW SYMBOLS initiative of the collective (discover more HERE). Curation: Kalinathi Vogdopoulou, organized by ARC – Art Revisited Collective, Chalkos Gallery, Thessaloniki 2019.

Man, Symbol, and Myth”, focusing on the reception of art by the art-loving public (discover more HERE). All members of the collective exhibited along with selected Guest Artists. Curation: Paris Kapralos, organized by ARC – Art Revisited, My Art Box, Athens 2019.


The Lobby Project
“Lobby Art” refers to decorative artworks since the 1960s that aim to make the stay in the common areas of hotels more pleasant. Within this framework, simple, pleasant works are preferred. “The Lobby Project” proposed, through carefully selected works, an art that, without “disturbing” anyone, provides food for thought (discover more HERE). It was presented in the corridors of the Capsis Thessaloniki Conference Center, as part of the “1st Capsis Arts & Crafts Festival,” organized by Myrό Group of Culture, conception by Paris Kapralos, curation by Paris Kapralos & Kalinathi Vogdopoulou, Thessaloniki 2018. 

Ou-Topos / Man the Measure of All Things”, exhibition of a visual project by the collective on the dialectical relationship between Art and the Greek Crisis (discover more HERE), conception & curation by Paris Kapralos, 3rd Art Thessaloniki International Contemporary Art Fair, Thessaloniki 2018. 


New Symbols 3, curated by Paris Kapralos & Iason Kairofilas, organized by ARC – Art Revisited Collective, Luminous Eye Gallery, Athens 2024 

New Symbols 2, the second exhibition of the ongoing initiative exploring symbolism in Contemporary Art (discover more HERE), curated by Paris Kapralos & Iason Kairofilas, Athens 2022

Ephemeral Homelands, a project exploring the influence of places in shaping personal myth (browse the exhibition catalog HERE) Curated by: Paris Kapralos. Athens 2022

Before the Alkyonides Days End, an exhibition of environmental concern within the ongoing framework of actions by artists4art, featuring members of the collective and guest artists focusing on relevant topics. Organized by ARC – Art Revisited Collective, conceived & curated by: Paris Kapralos, Chili Art Gallery, Athens, September 2021.

New Symbols, the first exhibition of the ongoing initiative exploring symbolism in Contemporary Art (discover more HERE), featuring 5 members and 12 Guest Artists, organized by ARC – Art Revisited, Chili Art Gallery, curated by Paris Kapralos & Iason Kairofilas, Athens 2020

What Will People Say?, exhibition – public launch of the ongoing framework of actions by artists4art exploring the reception of artworks and perceptions of the artist’s social role today (discover more HERE), based on a concept by Kalinathi Vogdopoulou, organized by ARC – Art Revisited, curated by Paris Kapralos, Myrό Gallery, Thessaloniki 2020.

The Inner Self, an experimental project tracing the process of artistic creation within the artist’s psyche, and its correlation with contemporary practices of Art Therapy. Participating were the founder of the collective, Visual Arts Curator Paris Kapralos, member Ilias Kasselas along with 4 other visual artists, and Art Therapist Elena Tonikidi (discover more HERE). The result of the 5-month process was presented in an exhibition. Organized by ARC – Art Revisited Collective, ps[υ]art-therapy gallery, Athens 2019.


Anna Gioti

Paris Kapralos
(Athens, Thessaloniki) 

Ilias Kasselas
(Athens, Corinth)

Angeliki Kourmoulaki

Foti Kllogjeri

MEMBERS [listed in alphabetical order by surname]

Maria Genitsariou
(member since 2021, Athens)

Kostas Michos
(member since 2022, Athens)

Nikos Pantazis
(member since 2019, Larissa)

Giota Tzotzoli
(member since 2021, Athens)

Eleni Tsotsorou
(member since 2020, Athens)

Dorothée Mesander
(member since 2023, Thessaloniki)

Dimitris Galanakis
(member since 2023, Athens)

Olga Barmazi
(member since 2023, Corinth)

Natalia Kazirelova
(member since 2024, Athens)

Michel Devanakis
(member since 2024, Athens)

Eva Anastopoulou
(member since 2024, Athens)

* Click on the names to view their full profiles



"Steps & Course" - Annual Exhibition of Members & Friends of the Collective in Athens, 2022


“Steps & Course” – Annual Exhibition of Members & Friends of the Collective in Athens, 2022

Concept & Curation: Paris Kapralos
Organization: ARC – Art Revisited Collective
Organizational & Online Support: ARTgrID
Venue: Chili Art Gallery
Space/Opening Photography: Studio Kotsireas

CURATORIAL NOTE. In the Greek language, the term “βήματα” (steps) signifies the motion of bringing one foot forward after another while walking, the distance covered while making such a movement, and metaphorically, the elevated structure where someone stands to address a public gathering or the opportunity to publicly express one’s opinions. “Πορείες” (journeys) are understood as walking a relatively long distance, the movement of a vehicle in a certain direction, and metaphorically, the evolution of a process, event, or individual. However, without steps (in all senses), we cannot have journeys (also in all senses), thus, the progress, development, personality, individuals, societies, or even our Culture at large. Sometimes a step is simple, but at times, it demands social struggles and personal sacrifices. The concept of taking steps and embarking on journeys symbolizes the movement of life, evolution, progress, and development, both on an individual and societal level. Personally, each step represents a choice, a decision, a challenge to move forward. It could be a minor change in the way we think or act, or it could be a significant step towards achieving a goal or desire. On a societal level, journeys and social struggles are the steps we take to shape the world we want to live in. These actions showcase not only our combative mentality but also our ability to change things for the better. On a philosophical level, a step is the beginning of everything: with each step, we leave behind what we were and move towards what we will become.

PARTICIPANTS. Among the members of the ARC – Art Revisited Collective, participating artists include Eleni Tsotsorou, Foti Kllogjeri, Chara Saiti, Spyros Romanos, Sotiria Alevizou, Elias Kasselas, Dorothée Mesander, Nikos Pantazis, Angeliki Kourmoulaki, Kostas Michos, Maria Genitsariou, Yiota Tzotzoli, Anna Gkioti, and Guest Artists Anna Bakogeorgou, Andreas Fatouros, Olga Barbazi, Andreas Manolakakis.

*The visual theme of the Invitation and Poster is a detail from a work by painter Angeliki Kourmoulaki.

"New Symbols 2", the second exhibition of the project exploring symbols in contemporary art. (Athens, 2022)

Curated by: Kalanthi Vogdopoulou & ARC – Art Revisited Collective
Concept & Curation: Iason Kairofylas & Paris Kapralos
Organization: ARC – Art Revisited Collective
Venue: Chili Art Gallery

Discover more HERE

"Evanescent Homelands", a project capturing the influence of places in shaping personal mythology. (Thessaloniki, 2022)

Concept, Curation, and Documentation: Paris Kapralos
Organization: ARC – Art Revisited Collective
Venue: Myrό Gallery

Discover more HERE

"Before the Alcyon Days End": an art exhibition addressing environmental concerns. (Athens, 2021)


Concept, Curation, and Documentation: Paris Kapralos
Organization: ARC – Art Revisited Collective
Venue: Chili Art Gallery

Discover more HERE

"The Inner self" (Online Exhibition, 2021)


In its first digital exhibition, our collective presents works by 11 visual artists who are members, reflecting the experiences of the pandemic. The exhibition is conceptualized and curated by Paris Kapralos. It runs from April 20th to May 20th, 2021. Although this is the seventh exhibition organized by the collective since its establishment, it marks the first digital exhibition presented on the digital exhibition platform of their new website, The exhibition was organized collaboratively, and during the process, the artists were asked to accompany their works with an artistic statement, providing viewers with insight.

Concept, Curation, and Documentation: Paris Kapralos
Organization: ARC – Art Revisited Collective

Discover more HERE

"Art in Babel" (Thessaloniki, 2020)


“Art in Babel” is the 3rd themed exhibition presented by our collective since its inception. It is a conceptual continuation of the project “Ou-Topos / Panton Chrematon Metron Anthropos” (3rd Art Thessaloniki International Contemporary Art Fair, Thessaloniki 2018), which explored the need to extract from the experience of previous generations and recognize Art as a part of societies, as well as an inexhaustible source of creativity and renewal. The exhibition “Man, Symbol, and Myth” (MyArtBox, Technochoros, Athens 2019) aimed to showcase that each artwork is a symbol, as it selectively highlights a specific conceptual content within a given conceptual framework, which it processes into a recognizable or even innovative form, conveying messages and initiating reflections, mainly during the process of decoding undertaken by the viewer.

Concept, Curatorship, and Documentation: Kalanthi Vogdopoulou
Organization: ARC – Art Revisited Collective
Host: Chalkos Gallery

Discover more HERE.


The ARC – Art Revisited Collective is an artistic collective founded in May 2018 by artists and Athenian art curator Paris Kapralos in Thessaloniki. It quickly included members from various parts of Greece and Cyprus. The collective’s logo was designed during its founding period by graphic designer John Sugahtank Roumpanis.

The collective operates mainly within the Greek sphere, is independent, and self-funded. It presents a variety of activities, organizes its own exhibitions, participates in international events, and collaborates from time to time with other groups, collectives, curators, spaces, as well as artists from various art disciplines worldwide.

Within the collective, all types and styles of art coexist. Paris Kapralos takes on a coordinating, managerial, and organizational role, developing tools for the entire collective and each individual artist-member separately. He identifies and seizes opportunities, establishes strategic collaborations.

The members of the collective freely share their ideas. In the context of their participation, artists do not assume any binding obligations that would deprive them of opportunities coming from other sources. Most members have established significant individual careers in the art world, including the co-founder and curator, before embarking on the collective journey. Through this collective effort, they unite their strengths in common projects and often respond, individually and collectively, to the challenges of our times.

The vision of ARC – Art Revisited Collective is to address art to society and foster continuous feedback through substantive dialogue on the issues of our era. Driven by the belief that art must maintain a dialectical relationship with developments, they aim to build an impactful artistic proposition with meaningful social engagement. They seek to create new symbols that serve the present. While they agree that the role of Art is not merely to “please the audience,” they also disagree that its role is to distance itself by showcasing only bleak dystopias, leading to decisive judgments as an isolated, untouchable priesthood of critics. They propose a functional Art that approaches familiar issues in original ways, illuminates lesser-known aspects, and challenges everyone to active involvement and action for the betterment of coexistence.

In their focus, the individual, collective, and holistic dimensions blend seamlessly. Their agenda includes matters of personal, social, and ecological coexistence, philosophical well-being, and cultural advancement. Starting in 2020, their actions fall under two ongoing initiatives.

The first, “NEW SYMBOLS,” is a project resulting from a dialogue between curators Paris Kapralos & Iason Kairofylas and collective members. It emerged during the Covid-19 quarantine and led to a series of actions promoting the dialectical relationship between humanity and historical context. Details are available HERE.

The second, the “artits4art” project, originated from a lengthy discussion between Paris Kapralos and visual artist Kalianthi Vogdopoulou. Its aim is to examine Art’s direct involvement with Greek society. Details can be found HERE.

Collaboration is highly valued. Therefore, the collective is open to proposals for partnerships and collaborations of all kinds. They frequently issue calls for participation in their activities and seek participation in noteworthy third-party events. They encourage you to reach out if you have ideas or proposals you’d like to realize together.

Contact them at