ARC -Art Revisited Collective | New Symbols 4 -Ikigai

H ARC – Art Revisited Collective, in collaboration with art curators Iason Kairophylas & Paris Kapralos, presents at the Alma Mater art hall (62 Emmanouil Benaki, Exarchia, Athens) the 4th exhibition in the series of visual art actions “New Symbols” with the distinctive title Ikigai, which explores the Japanese philosophy of Ikigai, focusing on the search for life’s meaning through balance, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment. The exhibition takes place in physical form in Athens from Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 23, 2025, at the Alma Mater art space (62 Emmanouil Benaki, Exarchia, Athens), and simultaneously online, in collaboration with ARTgrID.
It is noted in the curatorial text: “Ikigai is an ancient Japanese philosophy that invites us to seek and find the meaning and purpose of our lives. The term derives from the words “Iki” (life) and “Gai” (value or purpose) and translates as “a reason to live.” The roots of Ikigai can be traced back to Japanese culture, where balance, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment prevail. The concept of Ikigai is closely linked to community and the simplicity of life, as seen in the traditions of the island of Okinawa, which is known for the longevity and quality of life of its inhabitants. There, Ikigai is not merely a philosophical idea but a way of life based on daily joy, interaction with others, and maintaining a purpose that gives value to existence. In modern times, Ikigai is interpreted as the intersection of four fundamental elements: what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs, and what we can be rewarded for. When these four elements are in harmony, a life full of meaning, happiness, and balance emerges. Contrary to the stressful pace of modern societies, Ikigai guides us toward a calmer, more structured, and purposeful way of living, focusing on what truly matters to us. Through connection with ourselves, our work, and the society around us, Ikigai reveals the secret to longevity and well-being, offering us a path to fulfillment and lasting happiness. Does it hold a place and usefulness in the modern era? We claim that not only does it have a place, but it is crucial as a framework of thought and existence for personal fulfillment and social balance, in times when both are difficult and seem unattainable. The visual artists participating in the exhibition speak through their works about their own approach to the elements that constitute it, in its entirety, and/or the expected outcome, from distinct starting points and different journeys.” Let me know when you’re ready for the next part!

Exhibition with a physical presentation of the artworks in Athens.

Hours/Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 19:00 – 22:00. On other days, visits are by appointment only at 6972445353. Free entrance.


The exhibition catalog book is available for FREE in Greek and English for online viewing and/or download HERE.

Let me know if you need more translations!

Participating Artists

The exhibition features members of the ARC – Art Revisited Collective and guest visual artists: Dimitris Galanakis, Themis von Woellwarth Lauterburg, Michalis Devanakis, Foti Kllogjeri, Olga Barmazi, Natalia Kazirelova, Maria Genitsariou, Lou Liska, Eleni Tsotsorou, Magda Dimoudi, Kristi Fotopoulou, Chrysoula Tzemanaki, Chryssoula Demagou, Ioannis Stamoulis, Dimitris Giovis, Stella Matala.


About the Curator

Paris Kapralos is an Art Curator, Founder & Coordinator of ARC – Art Revisited Collective, and co-publisher of Arts & Antiques CCR. He was born in 1975 and grew up in Athens, where he lives and works. He studied Economics (Athens) and Graphic Arts (Staffordshire, England). He worked as a Journalist specializing in Technology topics for financial newspapers, magazines, and electronic news agencies (1999-2006), as an event executive in business conferences in the IT & Telecommunications sector (2004-2011), and changed his career path towards the Art sector in 2011. He has curated and organized more than 200 exhibitions, visual art events, projects, and participations both in Greece and abroad. More details HERE.

About ARTgrID

ARTgrID is a company dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of high-quality visual art, primarily through a digital services website, as well as by organizing physical events, actions, and leveraging synergies with various stakeholders in the Arts sector (Curators, venues, art dealers, investment advisors, specialized legal professionals, etc.). It operates an online platform providing specialized services at, which include organizing physical and online exhibitions/symposiums/artistic activities, creating, hosting, and promoting visual artists’ websites, among others. More details HERE.

About Alma Mater

The “Alma Mater” Art Space is located in the heart of Athens, in Exarchia. It is housed in a renovated neoclassical residence built before 1890. In Latin, “Alma Mater” literally means “nourishing mother” and is usually symbolically attributed to Science, which acts as the mother of Humanity as an evolutionary force. Similarly, the vision of the space’s founders is for it to function as an “alma mater” for the intellectual and aesthetic advancement of the city. Besides exhibition capabilities, the venue is also equipped for hosting events. More details HERE.

Media Sponsors

Arts & Antiques CCR Metafox Polis Magazino