Oculi Inquisitivi: Inquiring eyes in the shadows

The Art Curator Paris Kapralos, in collaboration with 24 artists from Greece and abroad, presents the exhibition “Oculi Inquisitivi: Investigative Gazes into the Shadows of the City” and invites you to the opening on Friday, June 14th, from 19:00 to 22:00 at Luminous Eye Gallery (2A Mitsaion Street, Acropolis area, Athens 117 42), in partnership with ARTgrID.

In the documentation text it is noted: “In the light of day and under the blazing sun of Ancient Athens, the philosopher Diogenes the Cynic wandered the streets holding a lantern, repeating the phrase ‘I am looking for a human being,’ seeking someone who would embody the virtues and values that his society seemed to have forgotten. Centuries later, Edgar Allan Poe in his short story ‘The Man of the Crowd’ places his protagonist observing the ceaseless flow of the human crowd, detecting the inner anxieties and hidden stories that each passerby carries, adding to Diogenes’ narrative that the city is a living organism that breathes and interacts with the secrets of its people. The phrase ‘Oculi Inquisitivi,’ found in humanistic writings of past centuries, resonates today as the search for truth and values should not be limited to the surface of social interaction alone, but should delve into the depths of the soul of the contemporary individual, uncovering weaknesses, fears, and hopes in the heart of the modern urban framework.

Exhibition in Athens

Hours/Days: Wednesday 14:00 to 18:00 and Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 17:00 to 21:00. Free entry.


The exhibition book catalog is available for FREE, in Greek and English, for online viewing or/and download HERE.

Participating Artists

The following artists are participating in the exhibition with their works: Chrysoula Demagkou, Xinbo Zhang, Magda Dimoudi, Zoe Kyko, Christina Tsantekidi, Dimitra Gezerli, Mia Zhang, Konstantinos Chortargias, Foti Kllogjeri, Theodora Anagnostopoulou – storytailor, Giannis Stamoulis, Evangelia Karaggeli, Eleni Lapantzi, Rallou Vlachou, Stefania Stamkopoulou, Dionysia-Sofia Bouloukou, Katerina Alegizaki, Panos Timotheatos, Nikiforos Tsekouras, Olga Papadopoulou, Popi Damaskinou, Timos Lytras, Ria Adamou. Honorary participation: Nektarios Theodorou.

About the curator

Paris Kapralos is a Visual Arts Curator, Founder & Coordinator of the ARC – Art Revisited Collective, and co-publisher of Arts & Antiques CCR. He was born in 1975 and grew up in Athens. From 2008 to 2022, he resided in Northern Greece. He studied Economics (Athens) and Graphic Arts (Staffordshire, England). He worked as a Journalist specializing in Technology topics for financial newspapers, magazines, and electronic news agencies (1999-2006), as an Organizational Manager and coordinator for business conferences in the IT & Telecommunications sector, and changed his professional direction towards the Art field in 2011. Since 2018, he has been working as an independent Organizer and Curator of visual art exhibitions & events. He served as the representative of the Greek Branch of the International Watercolor Society (IWS) from 2019 to 2022, and in October 2022, he assumed the role of Development Director of ARTgrID alongside his other activities. He has curated and organized over 200 exhibitions, art actions, projects, and participations within and outside Greece. Detailed information is available on his website HERE.