Professional promotion of visual artists

ARTgrID undertakes the creation, development, and hosting of a comprehensive artist profile with such capabilities and features that can replace a professional personal website. Additionally, our company provides exposure, communication, leverage, and sales settlement. Specifically, a unique address is developed using the artist's full name (in the format, systematic…


ARTgrID presents the painter and sculptor Pinelopi Volterra

Thursday, August 12, 2021 - We are pleased to announce today the participation of the well-known visual artist Pinelopi Volterra in our platform's community of visual artists. As part of our collaboration, we are presenting a permanent exhibition of her works at the address The profile functions as a…


Official Launch of Our Website

Wednesday, 23rd of June, 2021 - The first Greek online platform for professional services in the field of Art, ARTgrID, officially commences its operation, with the ambition to contribute positively to the transition of the business sector into the new era. Its goals include the international promotion of contemporary art…