Comprehensive services for art groups without legal status

ARTgrID offers a package of services and additional services “tailored” to the needs of visual collaborative groups and teams without corporate “legal” status, providing them with possibilities for organization, promotion, communication, and leveraging sales of marketable works, starting with the creation, development, and maintenance of their professional website within 10 days.


ARTgrID undertakes the creation, development, and hosting of the group’s website, showcasing the members and their works, along with an overall presentation of the collective’s work in the form of a permanent online exhibition with details and specific features. The website includes – but is not limited to – the history and vision/statement of the group, presentation of the artists, publicity, critical texts, videos, availability of catalogs or other publications in digital form, and an organized listing of achievements (exhibitions, projects, publications, articles, artwork presentations, etc.) in a standardized best practices format. The pages can include videos and integrate live streaming formats upon request. ARTgrID promotes the website through its social media, online advertising, media, email campaigns, etc. Additionally, it provides information on opportunities to participate in exhibitions in Greece and abroad organized by its partners. The group can request changes to the website (removal or addition of works, information changes, and/or texts, addition of sections not initially included (e.g., videos), etc.) up to 3 times annually, after the first two months of service provision. Direct Sales Within the scope of the basic service package, ARTgrID does not manage or clear sales, which are completed exclusively and directly by the artist/creator of each work, without ARTgrID having any financial claim on the sales (i.e., the sale is not subject to commission, percentages, etc.). In this case, ARTgrID refers interested buyers to the artist/creator of the artwork to communicate directly with them. Pricing Policy The basic service package is prepaid on a semi-annual or annual basis (prices include VAT). ○ Annual duration: €520 ○ Two-year duration: €700 There is an option for renewal in the form of an annual subscription for the main package, with additional services charged separately, at €430/year, which must be agreed upon and paid no later than 10 working days before the expiration of the previous valid contract. The renewal is always annual at this cost, regardless of whether the initial subscription was semi-annual or annual. Contact If you are interested in purchasing this service or have more questions, please contact us at the email, mentioning in the subject line the phrase “Direct services for artistic group“. “`


For an additional charge, the group can purchase the following services at any time during the collaboration period with our company (not necessarily from the beginning): 

(A) Ability to change website elements in real-time as often as desired: €90.

(B) 20-day collective online exhibition within one year from the start of the annual basic service: €250.
The additional service package includes: 20-day digital online exhibition (drafting and sending press releases to the media, creating an electronic invitation template and sending it to the group and the company’s customer and visitor list, announcement on social media, ability to upload up to 60 additional works not previously included in the profile as part of the exhibition content).

(C) Publication of a digital e-book/exhibition catalog (applicable to both digital and physical exhibitions): €90.

(D) Online exhibition for a physical exhibition of the group’s works organized by the group itself or a third party on its behalf (e.g., an art gallery) anywhere in the world simultaneously with the physical exhibition and for the exact same dates – provided they do not exceed two months in duration: €160.

(E) Organization of a 10-day physical exhibition in collaborating galleries in Athens or Thessaloniki by ARTgrID, alongside an online exhibition: €1600.
This additional service package includes: 10-day pop-up physical exhibition in galleries in Athens or Thessaloniki (+3 days for setup and other pre-opening activities) alongside a digital exhibition with the exhibited works, curatorial note from a collaborating curator, drafting and sending press releases to the media, communication sponsorships, creating an electronic invitation template and sending it to the counterpart and ARTgrID’s customer and visitor list, announcement on ARTgrID’s social media, publication of a commemorative digital e-book/catalog and its free online distribution, communication sponsorship management, artwork installation in the space (exhibition setup without the presence of the counterpart), exhibition takedown, and packaging of unsold works after the exhibition ends.

*It should be noted that this additional service package DOES NOT include: Professional packaging of the works for shipment to the art space, transport to and from the exhibition, on-site sales by the gallery (which are made by agreement between the counterpart and the gallery regarding the gallery’s commission, without ARTgrID taking any commission for these), photography of the exhibition and/or the opening event.

(F) Ability for each member of the group to have their own website as part of their participation in the group: €365/personal member website/year of service usage.

Additional services are available with the payment of an annual subscription to the Basic Package, not individually. They can be requested after the basic package has been paid for throughout the subscription year, but their provision cannot exceed the collaboration period of the group with ARTgrID through the basic package.

FOR EXAMPLE, if a member decides to obtain a personal website as part of their participation in an artistic group 3 months after activating the basic package for the group, the service duration will be annual only if the group renews its subscription at the end of the year. Conversely, if the group decides to terminate the collaboration with ARTgrID, the individual member will be offered the option to pay for the service from the beginning at the rate and with the provisions applicable to all individual artists collaborating with ARTgrID (see the relevant service package for individual artists HERE).

If you are interested in any additional service package for purchase along with the basic package you selected, please mention it in the email you send us.

We are at your disposal to answer any questions, provide more information, or clarify any details you may need. Please send an email to