Chrysa Tsovili

“Untitled”, ink and colored pencil, 30×40 cm, 2017. Estimated price: €700

SKU: 5142635025


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Chrysa Tsovili was born in 1977 in Athens. She graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Thessaloniki, majoring in painting, and continued with postgraduate studies in the photography department of the “La Cambre” School of Fine Arts in Brussels. Simultaneously, she attended seminars in dance directing “Physical dance” and interactive scenography technology “Digital stage.” She has collaborated with music composers such as Giorgos Koumentakis, Giorgos Emmanouil Lazaridis, Emmanuel Arciuli, and the music group “The Transcription Ensemble” for video-art live projections at concerts presented at festivals in Italy, Spain, and Greece. She has participated in exhibitions in Athens, Brussels, and Paris.

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