David Kaneen

“Triffid after summer”, oils, acrylics and mixed media on stretched canvas, 80X60 centimetres, 2023. Estimated price: €4300

SKU: 5849535030


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Born in Melbourne in 1963, David has 50 years of experience as an artist and creative designer with a professional career in publishing and advertising. He completed four years at Monash University in Melbourne, majoring in Art & Design. Following college, he began working in the publishing industry in the 1980s. From 1990, he embarked on an advertising career as a Studio Artist and photo retoucher until 2000. That same year, he relocated to Athens, Greece, with his family. He worked at BBDO Athens (Advertising) until June 2015 as a Senior Art Director / Designer and Creative Photo Retoucher.Having worked for many years while raising a new family, he left a gap in his work as a painter. Over the last 10 years (in Greece), he has resumed painting, creating a significant body of work showcased in numerous solo exhibitions in and around Athens. He returned to Melbourne in 2016, engaging in exhibitions and achieving success in various art exhibitions and competitions. For the past four years, he has been back in Athens, painting and exhibiting, with plans to continue his painting in the future.

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