Loukia Konstantinou

“Milopotamos”, Chinese ink on Chinese paper, 29×46 centimeters, 2015. Estimated price: €650

SKU: 9117833786


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Loukia Konstantinou was born in Athens and grew up in a family with a strong artistic element. She studied painting under the guidance of Antonis Apergis and photography at the E.M.E.F. She worked as a painter in the workshop of the ceramist Dimitra Stavrinidou, where she was also initiated into the secrets of clay. Her painting exhibits an impressionistic minimalism with textures and simplicity in composition. Using oil, mixed techniques, and watercolor, she captures realistic images, drawing from her contact with nature and experiences from her travels. Through her personal quests, a special love for Chinese art and culture emerged, which prompted her to explore ways to approach them through Western painting. She attended Chinese painting classes at the Confucius Institute. In 2018, she led two Chinese painting workshops at the Herakleidon Museum. She has participated in solo and group painting exhibitions (2000 – 2020), as well as in group photography exhibitions with honorable mentions. Her works are found in companies and private collections in Greece and abroad.

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