Ink on Paper | Open Call for Artists

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Published: Friday, July 12, 2024 – This is the international call for entries for visual artists to submit their artworks in the 10th Printmaking, Drawing, and Painting exhibition of the “Ink on Paper” series  aimed at showcasing artists using these means of expression. The exhibition will be held in a gallery in central Athens in the Fall.

Eligibility. The exhibition will accept paintings, printmaking, ink drawings on paper, art objects, constructions, sculptures, and many sub-techniques such as watermedia, watercolor, Indian ink, with no restriction on style and technique, e.g., Line Drawing, Hatching, Pointillism, Wash Drawing, Brush Work, Contour Drawing, Silhouette, Calligraphy, Illustration, Mixed Media, Printmaking, paper sculpture with ink details, collage, stippling, Sumi-e are accepted.

Theme. The exhibition is open-themed and the selection criterion is art excellence in the selected style, regardless of the genre of art, the theme, or the artist’s background.

Who Can Submit. Artists who are 18 years of age or older can submit their works for the exhibition.

Official Languages of the exhibition are Greek and English, and all published materials will be bilingual, including the commemorative catalog of the exhibition and the international online exhibition, parallel to the physical one in Athens.

Documentation Framework. Ink is a liquid pigment with multiple applications. It originates from the ancient Greek word “melas” (=black) because the first color used was black. If we claim that “Human history has been written in ink,” most people will think of books. However, much earlier, human memory was painted on cave walls with ink, long before the concept of writing was invented. For 100,000 years, humans first painted and then gradually wrote what needed to be preserved. From the 15th century on, when paper became common in Europe, artists adopted it, and the history of paper and ink merged into a bouquet of arts. Today, artists create works of unique sensitivity, often unexpected, with a great diversity of styles.

What to Submit. You should send via e-mail to with the subject INK 10 the following:
(1) Photos of up to 2 available works, each in a separate high-resolution, large-sized jpg file with good clarity. Note: the works are not indicative. If selected, you can exhibit exclusively the works you submitted. Works on paper should be photographed without frame/glass.
(2) Details of the works, with a reference point for each being the file name (e.g., A1.JPG), which should be written in this order separated by commas: Artist’s full name, Title of work, Materials and technique, Dimensions (in centimeters, Height x Width if it is a hanging work or, if it is a sculpture, Height x Width x Length), Year of completion.
(3) Your contact details: Full name, Email, phone number, country.

Free Framing Option for the Exhibition. If the works you wish to submit are not framed and their dimensions are equal to or less than 38×56 centimeters or 56×38 centimeters (half imperial paper size), if selected for the exhibition, you can send them via courier or mail them  to us in a paper tube (art tube), and we will handle framing and deliver the works to the gallery for free. After the exhibition ends, we will remove the frames and return your works in a tube as you sent them.

About the “Ink on Paper” Exhibition Series
“Ink on Paper” is an initiative of exhibitions, visual actions, and events created by Art Curator Paris Kapralos, aiming to promote the use of a wide range of ink and paper-based media in the visual arts in Greece, as happens internationally. Within this framework, exhibitions and events are organized to familiarize both artists with the media and the art-loving public with noteworthy artists whose main medium of expression is ink. Discover more HERE.

About the Curator
Paris Kapralos is an Art Curator, Founder & Coordinator of ARC – Art Revisited Collective, and co-publisher of Arts & Antiques CCR. Born in 1975 and raised in Athens, he studied Finance (Athens, Greece) and Graphic Arts (Staffordshire, UK). He worked as a Journalist specializing in Technology issues in financial newspapers, magazines, and electronic news agencies (1999-2006), as an executive in organizing business conferences in the IT & Telecommunications sector (2004-2011), and changed career path, turning to Art in 2011. He has curated and organized more than 200 exhibitions, art shows, projects, and participations in and outside of Greece. Detailed information HERE.

Important Notes
– Clarifications, questions, and inquiries strictly regarding the submission process should be sent in writing via email to the above submission address and will be answered within 24 hours.
– Information about the conduct of the event and the proposal that will be made to you if selected will be given only to the selected artists, after submission and selection – not before. Submissions that do not include everything we ask for, or do not follow the recommended method of articulation and sending of the requested items will be ignored.
– If selected, we will contact you immediately with a reply email containing complete information on the procedures for your participation.
– The submission deadline is not necessarily given to create new works, but you can choose works that you have, consider representative of you, are relevant to the theme, and would like to present in the context of the exhibition.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: until Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 23:59′ (Greek local time).