Color in the Water 10 | Heterotopia: City, Landscape, Human Open Call

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The initiative for the promotion of contemporary watercolor “Color in Water” invites painters to submit their artworks for participating in the 10th international exhibition themed “Heterotopia: city, landscape, human.”

The exhibition will take place in an established art gallery of Athens in physical form, while it will also be available internationally online through the ARTgrID platform. The official languages of the exhibition are Greek and English, and a commemorative catalog – a digital book in both languages – will be published. Awards from the public will be given to participants in the exhibition.

Exhibition Curator: Paris Kapralos.

Theme and Type of Works. To participate in the exhibition, you can submit watercolor paintings on paper, with acceptable materials being water-soluble media on paper (watermedia, watercolor, water-soluble inks, pencils, powders, natural water-soluble pigments, as well as alternative media such as tea or coffee). 

The works can engage with the theme in any way the creator deems appropriate. For example, you can submit artworks of natural or urban landscapes, as well as anthropocentric artworks focusing on existential issues. The artworks can be in any style, whether representational or abstract.

If selected, you will be asked to send your artworks on paper (without frame) as we will frame your artworks for the exhibition, provided they are of a size equal to or smaller than 38X56 centimeters or 56X38 centimeters (the internationally known as “half imperial paper size”). You may also submit artworks of larger dimensions if you wish, but if selected, you will need to frame them yourself for the exhibition at your own expense.

Who can participate. Artists over the age of 18, residing anywhere in the world, regardless of origin or nationality, may participate in the exhibition.

Conceptual Framework. The “Heterotopia” exhibition explores the relationship between humans and landscapes from different perspectives. Through this exploration, painting, and especially watercolor, has contributed over the past two centuries to the feedback loop between the search for the ideal between natural and urban landscapes. Michel Foucault, with his theory of “Heterotopia,” also approached the concept of space, introducing the idea that certain spaces, like cities, function as “other” spaces within society, spaces where social norms are overturned or expressed in different ways. Cities as heterotopias are places where social relations can be reconsidered or reshaped, highlighting the complexity of urban life. One of the most well-known theories related to the impact of the natural environment on mental health is the Biophilia Hypothesis, introduced by Edward O. Wilson in 1984, which posits that humans have an innate tendency to connect with nature and living systems. The lack of contact with the natural environment can lead to psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression, while exposure to natural landscapes can have healing properties. 

What to Submit. You must send an email to with the subject “CIW10” containing the following:
(1) Photos of up to 2 available artworks, each in a separate photo file, in jpg format, of large size, good clarity, and high resolution. Note: The artworks are not indicative. If selected, you can only exhibit the artworks you submitted. artworks on paper must be photographed without frames or glass.
(2) Work details, with a reference point for each being the name of the file (e.g., A1.JPG), which should include in this order, separated by commas, the artist’s full name, title of the work, medium and technique, dimensions (in centimeters, Height X Width if hanging, or if it is a sculpture Height X Width X Length), completion year.
(3) Your contact details: Full name, email, phone number, place of residence(area & country).

Important Notes
– Clarifications, questions, and inquiries strictly regarding the submission process should be sent in writing via email to the above submission address and will be answered within 24 hours.
– Information about the event’s process and the proposal that will be made to you if you are selected will only be provided to the selected artists, after submission and selection – not before. Submissions that do not include everything requested or do not follow the prescribed method of presentation and submission will be ignored.
– If selected, we will contact you immediately via reply email that will include full details regarding your participation process.
– The submission deadline is not necessarily for creating new artworks but to allow you to select works that you already have, that represent you, are relevant to the theme, and that you would like to present in the context of the exhibition.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: until Sunday, October 20, 2024, at 23:59.