Maria Genitsariou, Flowing Speech, construction, wood, handmade marble paste, inks, 10×49 cm, 2017

SKU: 1547339953


Maria Genitsariou, born in Piraeus in 1966, is a visual artist and calligrapher specializing in the evolution of Greek calligraphy. Devoted to art from a young age, she studied graphic arts and painting while continuously seeking new expressive possibilities through writing. In 1993, she discovered Greek calligraphy and decided to study it at the Department of Paleography at the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (MIET) under Professor Agamemnon Tselikas. Her goal is to collect and study Greek typefaces and recreate the writing and illustration tools used historically. Using writing as her primary artistic medium, she creates works that integrate various fonts, transforming them into art. She has exhibited her work in numerous exhibitions and teaches calligraphy in seminars. She has also taught Calligraphy at the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA). Her works are included in private collections and international institutions’ collections, including museums in Vienna and the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople. Believing in the limitless potential of calligraphy, she participates in programs promoting it in Greece and abroad. Since June 2021, she has been collaborating with the ARC – Art Revisited Collective.

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