Gabriela Galban, A mother of the world spreading love, oil painting on canvas, made with paints created by the author, based on 100% natural pigments, 30X30 centimetres, 2024.

SKU: 1121739642


In 2023, when she created her Instagram, her paintings began to attract the attention of specialists and artists, three of them being co-opted to illustrate a book in English, entitled “World Legends and Stories. The Sun and the Moon”. Also, starting January 2024, his works was selected by the Contemporary Art Foundation BARBAGELATA to participate in the online art exhibition entitled “Colours”, then, in the “Landscapes” section, within the “Director’s Choice Series”, and in the online art exhibition entitled “Flowers”, with two creations. In October 2024, she was selected by the Barbagelata Foundation to be among the artists that will be published in the “Art and Poetry Album”. Her contribution to this art book comprises four paintings and four poems that represent them. In 2025, she was co-opted in the international art exhibition “Everything Abstract”, of the Fusion Art Foundation.

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