“Borderline: Between Light and Shadow” at Chili Art Gallery

You are currently viewing “Borderline: Between Light and Shadow” at Chili Art Gallery

Friday, January 24, 2025 – The art curator Paris Kapralos, in collaboration with 19 visual artists from Greece and the Balkans, invites you to visit the exhibition “Borderline: Between Light and Shadow” and honor the opening with your presence on Thursday, January 30, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

The exhibition, which explores transitional states on a personal-existential and social level, and the symbolic balance of light and shadow, is held physically in Athens at Chili Art Gallery (Dimofontos 13-15, Thissio, Athens) and online in collaboration with ARTgrID (https://artgrid.gr).

It is noted in the curatorial text: “The exhibition “Borderline: Between Light and Shadow” focuses on transitional states and the intermediate areas of human experience, examining the subtle balances that define our existence between light and darkness, the present and the past. The borderline, as a conceptual and symbolic idea, is a central point of exploration in the exhibition, inviting the viewer to reflect on moments of ambiguity and uncertainty that characterize our lives.

In contemporary society, the constant oscillation between progress and stagnation, search and acceptance, reflects the struggle between light and darkness. The role of art in this period is to document, comment on, and provoke thought about these transitional states, offering new perspectives for understanding social transformations.

The concept of the borderline, as a space between light and shadow, provides a rich field for artistic exploration. In art, light and shadow are not merely physical phenomena but symbolic entities, referring to the contrasts of life and death, presence and absence. They often serve as a technique in artworks, intentionally or unintentionally focusing on conflict and balance. Conceptually, transition is linked to Martin Heidegger’s philosophy, especially in his work “Being and Time,” where the notion of Dasein experiences the moment as an interval between the past and the future. Similarly, Gilles Deleuze, in “The Logic of Sense,” emphasizes the borderline as a field of creation, highlighting the dynamics of change. Artistic compositions at the borderline between light and shadow propose a dialogue that transcends visual experience, leading to deep introspection about human existence and its constant transitions.

The exhibition “Borderline: Between Light and Shadow” is not merely an anthology of artworks but a deeper study of the human condition in a period of continuous change. Here, art becomes a medium for exploring the subtle lines separating light from shadow, the present from the past, safety from uncertainty. Through this exhibition, art challenges us to consider our own borderline, to understand the transitional states shaping our identity, and to find meaning in these inevitable transitions.

Visitors will see works of painting, digital art, photography, printmaking, and artistic constructions.

Participating artists in the exhibition: Makis Koulianos, Yiannis Stamoulis, Magda Dimoudi, Aleksei Ciucurovschi, Elena Arsenidou, Adelina Evro Drenesku, Katerina Vasiliou, Katerina Spyropoulou, Alexander Lyubomirov Simov, Des Theodorou, Dimitris Stenos, Martin Kiryakov, Kyrynaios Papadimatos, Eirini Vallera-Rickerson, Maria Kalliadou, Xenia Arapaki, Chrysoula Demagkou, Paul Mei, Maria Andrikaki.

A bilingual (Greek and English) commemorative catalog-book has been published for the exhibition and is available to all visitors free of charge.

Hours/Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Thursday 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Saturday 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Closed on Monday and Sunday.

The exhibition will run until Saturday, February 8, 2025.


About the Curator

Paris Kapralos is an Art Curator, Founder & Coordinator of ARC – Art Revisited Collective, and co-editor of Arts & Antiques CCR. He was born in 1975 and raised in Athens, where he lives and works. From 2008 to 2022, he resided in Northern Greece. He studied Economics (Athens) and Graphic Arts (Staffordshire, England). He worked as a journalist specializing in technology for financial newspapers, magazines, and electronic news agencies (1999–2006), as an organizer of business conferences in the IT & Telecommunications sector (2004–2011), and shifted his career to art in 2011. Since then, he has curated and organized over 200 exhibitions, art actions, projects, and participations in Greece and abroad. More details: https://artgrid.gr/paris-kapralos/

About ARTgrID

ARTgrID is a company systematically promoting and showcasing quality visual art through a digital services website, as well as organizing physical events, actions, and leveraging collaborations with various stakeholders in the art world (curators, spaces, art dealers, investment advisors, specialized legal professionals, etc.). Its online platform provides specialized services, including organizing physical and online exhibitions/symposia/art actions, creating, hosting, and promoting artist websites, and more. Information: https://artgrid.gr

About Chili Art Gallery

Chili Art Gallery was established in 2010 and is located in Thissio, near the “Melina” Cultural Center of the Municipality of Athens, just a breath away from the city’s vibrant Gazi area. It is a cultural space where art enthusiasts and the general public can engage with all forms of contemporary art. Painting, sculpture, collage/compositions, installations/constructions, printmaking, and photography are presented monthly through solo and group exhibitions and events. More information: https://chiliart.gr

Photography Sponsor
Studio Kotsireas | https://www.studiokotsireas.com

Online Support
ARTgrID | https://artgrid.gr

Media Sponsors
Arts & Antiques CCR | http://www.artsantiquesccr.gr
Metafox | https://metafox.gr
Polis Magazino | https://www.polismagazino.gr