Palimpsests of Memory | Open Call to Visual Artists

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Call for Artists to participate in an international exhibition based on his concept, addressed by the Art Curator Paris Kapralos. The official languages of the exhibition are Greek and English, and a commemorative catalog – book will be published in digital form in both languages. The exhibition will also be available internationally online via the ARTgrID platform for one month.

Theme and type of works. You may submit works of painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, collage, digital art, video art.

The works can interact with the theme in any way the creator sees fit.

Conceptual Framework. Memory is a mechanism that constantly changes, interacting with the present, like a palimpsest where new layers cover, but do not erase, the older ones. In psychology, Sigmund Freud highlighted the modification of every memory when recalled, something that art captures by renegotiating the past in the present. Maurice Halbwachs in sociology emphasizes the social dimension of memory, underlining how social structures influence how we remember. Art can reveal historical layers and serve as a tool of deconstruction, offering alternative narratives, according to Michel Foucault. The artist functions as an “archaeologist of memory,” highlighting the layers of time and reinterpreting the past. Thus, memory, like the palimpsest, becomes an open narrative that is constantly revised, creating new compositions as the personal, collective, and historical merge through art.

What you need to submit. You must send an email to with the subject “PALIMPSESTS” including the following:
(1) Photos of up to 2 available works, each in a separate photo file, in large-sized, high-resolution jpg format. Note: the works are not indicative. If selected, you can only exhibit the work(s) you submitted. Works on paper must be photographed without frame/glass.
(2) Work details, with reference to each file name (e.g. A1.JPG), which should include in this order, separated by commas: Artist’s full name, Title of work, Materials and technique, Dimensions (in centimeters, Height X Width if wall-mounted, or Height X Width X Depth if a sculpture), Year of completion.
(3) Your contact details: Full name, Email, phone number.

Important Notes
– Clarifications, inquiries, and questions strictly regarding the submission process should be sent in writing to the above submission email address and will be answered within 24 hours.
– Information about the organization of the event and the proposal that will be made to you if selected will only be provided to the selected artists, following submission and selection—not before. Submissions that do not include all requested items or do not follow the specified manner of submission will be ignored.
– If selected, we will contact you promptly via a reply email that will include full details regarding your participation procedures.
– The submission deadline is not provided for you to create works but to select works you already have, that you believe represent you, are relevant to the theme, and that you would like to present in the exhibition.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: until Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 23:59′.